Need Decal Printing? Cool, let’s stick together!

Decal printing is so fast and super accurate too. When some of our customers ask us for decals what they are actually thinking of is stickers.
First of all, decals normally are made of vinyl and often times are called computer cut vinyl or vinyl lettering. In any case we are talking about the same thing. These decals or stickers are supplied to our customers who stick them on their trams, buses, trains, boats, cars, vans and bikes.
Furthermore, we always print these with inks that last for a long time in the direct sunlight. We call that UV (or ultra violet) light fast inks. Even in the direct hot sun that Australia throws at us, these decals will perform really well.
Moreover, with the latest equipment we can also shape cut these to almost any shape, whether that be a circle, square, rectangle, triangle or custom shape. If your artwork is supplied with a die line or cutting line the super smart machines will cut precisely to that shape just like a laser would.
Bumper stickers or stickers for surfboards, sporting brands, motor racing and so on come to mind. These are cut in all types of crazy shapes and sizes.
CMYK inks are mainly used but we can also use a six colour process which also includes light cyan and light magenta too.
Promotional Products Plus Decal Printing
Looking to build out your overall branding with some promotional clothing? Check out our sister website and perhaps kick off with the custom printed tees. Awesome for every event.
How about some other printed items to showcase your brand? Check out these Indoor Floor Stickers.
Lastly, often times if a specific vinyl colour is needed we can refer directly to our very large suppliers of vinyl. Such names include Avery and 3M. They aren’t the only brands we use but are two of the more iconic names. Off the shelf there are plenty of options in terms of colour, life expectancy in sunlight and even metallic glitter type options too.
In conclusion, our experience in installing decals is super extensive too. Would you like us to quote that requirement as well. We’ve installed on trams, trains, buses, cars, glass windows, walls, doors just to name a few locations. We’re confident we can help you as well.
Ready to order. Call us on 1300 663 812.