In the video above, Garry explains the simplest ways to ensure your printing is environmentally friendly. If you prefer we also have a graphic below explaining how to 'keep it green' or old fashioned words below the graphic if you just prefer to read.
There is a lot of discussion today about 'green printing' or environmentally friendly printing. There is also a belief that it costs more. There are many things you can do to be responsible when it comes to looking after the environment during the planning and print process.

- Choose environmentally-friendly paper and inks – you can even add an environmentally responsible logo to your documents to illustrate this to your stakeholders.
- Paper type – you can choose chlorine free paper, there are many options to choose from. Please ask us.
- Paper size – try to use standard paper sizes for your project. This reduces wastage of paper as paper comes in standard sheet sizes and can also save you money as well.
- Green inks – we can use vegetable oil based inks such as Soy, Sunflower and Rape seed. These are all an excellent alternative to the conventional chemical based inks.
- Turn your publication into a 'self-mailer'. You can include your cover letter within the printed document so you don't need to add another piece of paper. You can even make it so that you don't need an envelope.
- Use both sides of each sheet to reduce the amount of paper you actually need to use.
- Some printers now use a waterless printing system. This eliminates the water needed to wash and cool down the machinery used in conventional printing.
- Work with vendors that use renewable energy sources like wind and solar power to take the next step in green printing.
- Some varnishes and other coatings may keep you from being able to recycle the printed paper later. However, coating the paper can increase the duration that your piece will last, meaning a reduction in how often you need to reprint the piece.