Why You Need To Print Catalogues

Some firms see business printing, and the job of creating catalogues as a drain on resources. However, this is not necessarily true. A well-written catalogue is good promotional material, and can dramatically increase customer service and satisfaction. A well organized catalogue makes it easier for the customer to find the product they want, making it more likely that they will order.

Catalogues allow you to go through your entire inventory and give detailed information about all your merchandise. A catalogue allows you to showcase all your products in one place.

A good indexing system, full description of each product, good illustrations and an effective search method are all necessary for an efficient catalogue. Don’t scrimp on your budget for catalogues. A catalogue needs to be more than a mere list of items cobbled together by one of the office juniors. The benefit of using a professional to do this important job will be seen in the quality of the catalogue and could pay for itself many times over with increased sales.

Catalogues are a great selling tool, and are available from most Melbourne based business printing specialists. While most people do their research for products online, many people still prefer leafing through a glossy catalogue at their leisure. In any case, the catalogue will stay in the hands of the prospective buyer for longer than a website. A catalogue can be kept for future reference and an order may be placed weeks, if not months after the customer has received it. The catalogue may be passed around to friends and family and thus have a far wider reach than otherwise might be imagined.

A catalogue can give a business a great deal of credibility. Something of high quality that can be physically handled seems far more solid and stable than a list of products on a website that might be here today and gone tomorrow.

When you are designing the catalogue before sending it to your Melbourne business printing specialist, make sure that your contact details are clearly visible on every page. Include your name, phone number and email address at the top and the bottom of the page. Remember that repetition is the key to memorization. If your prospective client has memorized your contact details, he is far more likely to call you.

Have a combination of products with published prices and items with unlisted process. That way, the prospective customer will be obliged to call you if he is interested in any of the unpriced items. Once he contacts you, you have the opportunity to establish a relationship with him and make a sale.

Use professional photos of many of the items you have for sale. There is no need to photograph every single item, but have enough so that the customer gets a good idea of the quality of your merchandise. Put the photo above the description, because if the customer likes the look of the product, he will continue on by reading the description below. Write product descriptions that describe the quality of the item and give the prospective customer a reason to want to buy the item described.

A catalogue may be in the hands of prospective buyers for many weeks and months. It can be made more long lasting by special treatment of the pages and solid binding. Use this excellent marketing tool and you will be rewarded by increased interest in your business and resulting better sales. As always, if you have any questions, ask your local Melbourne business printing specialist.