Brochure Layout – 5 Irresistible Strategies

Despite the Internet being a huge marketing opportunity, don’t write off traditional print marketing because of it. Using online marketing techniques in conjunction with the right brochure layout is by far the best way to bring targeted attention to your business.

Brochure printing is an excellent resource because you can get images as well as good sales copy to impact on potential customers and clients.


Two effective ways to make your business look and feel professional to a wider audience is by using good quality printed brochures and business cards. Business is a lot about trust. Without the trust of your buyers you won’t get good word-of-mouth and you won’t get regular repeat business.

If you show you care others will take it seriously and trust will be sparked immediately. Maintaining that trust will come with living up to the promises your marketing makes every time.

5 Things Your Brochures Must Have

  • Attention Grabbing Headlines – Make sure your headline and sub heading makes it clear what your product or service is. Even though writing ‘Make Money Now’ in large letters might get attention, if you then go on to talk about blue widgets people will have lost interest and see the headline as a gimmick. Always remember while people love to buy, they do not like being ‘sold’. The very best way to find good headlines and copy is to research your target market.
  • Logo – This may seem obvious but don’t miss the branding opportunity available. The more often a buyer can associate your logo with your business the better. So don’t forget to add it whenever you can. If you don’t have a logo, get one as soon as possible.
  • Solve Problems Of Your Target Market – Through research find out what it is that causes people the most pain in relation to your service or products and then tell them exactly how you will solve that problem for them if they buy your product or service. People are not interested in what you do and why you do it. All they really need to know is what is in it for them.

Don’t list the features of your business; tell them the benefits. People buy with emotions. You must appeal to their emotions not to their common sense. Anything that invokes an emotional reaction is a good thing and you can also use images for this.

  • Testimonials –Now the interest has been piqued you must continue by reassuring them that they are making the right choice. Testimonials are a fantastic way to do this in a small space. If you can get a picture of the person giving the recommendation, a full name, business address, even a town they live in it all adds to make it more believable.

Don’t make them up because most people will know. Get testimonials that will carry some weight and add them to your brochures. They will make a huge difference for you.

  • Images and Colour Scheme — Images are a great way to say a lot in a little space. Make sure they are set out in a professional manner and not stealing the attention from the rest of the information. The reader’s eye will go to the image first in most cases. Set them on the left and then have the headline next to that. A headline is better at about eight words, but certainly as few words as you can get away with.

Colours are very important. A light background with dark writing is a lot easier to read that the opposite. If you have a bright logo, let it do the heavy lifting and don’t try to use a mix of bright colours. Simple is always best if you aren’t sure.


Use a commercial printing service to get perfect typesetting. The first page will need to have your headline, image and sub headings. Let them do the attention grabbing. Give them enough promise that they want to know more. Answer a way your product can help them and draw them inside your brochure.

Once they look to the further pages, if you have any, give them some more problem solving tactics and some testimonials to back it up. Don’t forget your logo, especially on the back page because when they are reading the front, the back will be showing to others.

Keep it simple and honest and you will find the right brochure layout you pick, will have a very positive impact on your business.